Daniël Dewaele

Daniel Dewaele

Daniël Dewaele (b. 1950, Knokke, BE) lives and works in Bruges. His practice covers installations, performances, video and photography. The search for the meaning, value and social relevance of art is a constant theme in his work. In the 1970s, he began a series of works that use the word ‘art’ as though it was an institution that needed to defend its viewpoint. Words and languages fascinate him, especially abstract word pictures in an indecipherable language that can only be appreciated aesthetically.

The Passage Room

Daniël Dewaele tackled the premise of Bruges Triennial 2015: "What if the 5 million visitors to Bruges were to settle here?" with three projects and thereby raised more questions than he could offer ready-made answers.

Triennale Brugge 2015 Daniel Dewaele The Passage Room Jan D Hondt