For the fifth edition of Bruges Triennial, we are looking for an (inter)national curator (individual or collective) specialising in...
Watch the short documentary about the old connecting road near the Minnewater Clinic and find out more about the stories behind Adrien Tirtiaux's Under the...
For almost five months, TRIBRU24 could count on many volunteers and guides. Thanks to their efforts and dedication, Bruges Triennial 2024: Spaces of...
We look back one more time at the last edition of Bruges Triennial through our aftermovie.
Star of the Sea by artist Ivan Morison will remain on the beach as part of Beaufort24 until 03.11.2024.
Sunday 01.09.2024 was the final day of Bruges Triennial 2024: Spaces of Possibility. Once again, the combination of monumental contemporary art and...
Design firms SO–IL and RE-ST zoomed in on the opportunities of detecting and activating underused space.
During the second last week of Bruges Triennial 2024, the publication Futuring Spaces of Possibility: Contemporary Art and Architecture in a World Heritage...
On the occasion of Bruges Triennial 2024: Spaces of Possibility, we are releasing the publication Futuring Spaces of Possibility: Contemporary Art...
Under a beaming sun, around a hundred visitors could get to work at the workshop Firesong for the bees, a tree of clay in Sebrechts Park.
For this fourth edition, Bruges Triennial: Spaces of Possibility continues to focus on the experience of art and architecture for people with reduced...
On Sunday June 30, Cultuurcentrum Brugge launched the publication Memory as a Building, at the Burghers’ Lodge, which was renamed Wanderspace...