Opening At Rise Of Curtain


At Rise Of Curtain is open from Sunday 14 April! The young Bruges video artist Brecht Vanhoutte invites artists to activate the site once a month.

Date & time
18:00 – 01:00
De Bond, Buiten Smedenvest 1
In co-production with
Het Entrepot
01 03 2024 SHOOT Day3 Dancers 73 1280x0 c default

Step inside De Bond Cultural Center and become part of this place in transformation. At Rise Of Curtain explores the impact of public involvement in a place and examines the blur between fiction and reality. With this project, Vanhoutte explores themes such as creativity, identity and mental health.


Bar I 18:00 – 19:00
Het Entrepot opens its doors in De Bond during the launch of TRIBRU24. Pop in for a drink and listen to records in the unique setting created by Brecht Vanhoutte.

Yochen Moust I 19:00 – 19:30
Using dreamy guitar riffs and the piano, Yochen takes you on a gentle, sweet adventure.

Lara Jonker I 20:00 – 20:20
To be announced

Staff Party I 20:30 – 21:00
To be announced

juliojulio I 21:00 – 22:30
Brussels-based juliojulio mixes different BPMs, eras, backgrounds and moods into a solid whole.

Roderoe I 22:30 – 23:30
Roderoe is an encounter between rhythm and texture. While Viktor provides the framework with his thumping percussion and dynamic melodies, Hooman adds a textural layer of sounds and waves. The result: a fleet of rhythms engulfed by melody and bass. Like a shipwreck on dry land.

Klankschap and the Minilots of Kokonera I 23:30 – 01:00
Klankschap [soundscape] is a statement, an amalgam of tones and timbres. Klankschap is a background for the occasional passer-by, but just as much of a discovery for the ears of dedicated sound-seekers. Together with Kokonera’s minilots, Klankschap communicates with the soul of the building.
P.S. Minilots are alien beings from the planet of Kokonera in the Suske & Wiske story De minilotten van Kokonera. A puppet film of the same name was broadcast on Dutch television in 1975.

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