Book launch "Memory as a Building"


On Sunday June 30, Cultuurcentrum Brugge launched the publication Memory as a Building, at the Burghers’ Lodge, which was renamed Wanderspace Burghers’ Lodge for the occasion during Bruges Triennial 2024.

Boekvoorstelling Het geheugen als gebouw

In the months leading up to the construction of the exhibition Memory as a Building, Cultuurcentrum Brugge asked author and curator Barbara De Coninck to write a text for each of the six artists about their work for the exhibition. These fascinating texts have been on display in the exhibition rooms since the beginning of the exhibition. Now they are also compiled in a publication, supported by visual material of the interventions the six artists made in these exhibition spaces. During the book launch, Barbara De Coninck and curator Jan Verhaeghe discussed the book, moderated by Mieke Dumont.

About Memory as a Building

In Memory as a Building brings Cultuurcentrum Brugge six artists with Bruges roots together in the Burghers’ Lodge, in the context of Bruges Triennial 2024. Pierre Goetinck, Lisa Ijeoma, Joke Raes, Jasper Rigole, Ria Verhaeghe and Willy Vynck have set to work with the historical spaces. They are showing new works that link concepts such as collecting, archiving and preservation to personal, social, or art historical themes. Together, they excavate ‘the memory’ of the Porter’s Lodge, a ‘wanderspace’ that has evolved from commercial hub to art academy, and from National Archives to temporary exhibition venue.


The publication costs €10 and is available at the the Burghers’ Lodge.

  • design: communication & city marketing, cell creation City of Bruges
  • photography: Matthias Desmet, Antoine De Clerck, Jan Verhaeghe
  • texts: Barbara De Coninck, Jan Verhaeghe
  • final Editing: Antoine De Clerck, Hans Vancompernolle
  • translation: Helen Simpson
  • closed: 21 x 29,7 cm - open: 21 x 59,4 cm
  • pages: 100
  • hardcover with Dust jacket
  • edition: 1.000
  • print: VCP Graphics, Brugge
  • printed on responsibly sourced paper
  • responsible Publisher: Colin Beheydt, algemeen directeur Stad en OCMW Brugge, Burg 12, Brugge

The exhibition runs until 11.08.2024 (13:00 – 17:00) in Wanderspace Burghers’ Lodge, Kraanrei 19, 8000 Bruges