On this beautiful summer evening, the third and final duo lecture in the context of Bruges Triennial 2024 took place in collaboration with Archipel, this time at the Standaert site in Ghent. The site provided the ideal setting for RE-ST and SO–IL's lecture on the theme ‘detecting and activating un(der)used spaces’.
With their research into wanderspace or ‘zwerfruimte’, architecture and research firm RE-ST has a strong connection to the theme of Bruges Triennial 2024: Spaces of Possibility. First Tim Vekemans talked about the general vision and operation of the office, after which Dimitri Minten zoomed in on a few projects, such as the expansion of the Design museum in Ghent.
Florian Idenburg, co-founder of architecture firm SO–IL, illustrated through a few projects how the firm questions the boundaries between inside and how the human body relates to the built environment. He concluded by taking a closer look at the work designed for Bruges Triennial: Common Thread.
Both design firms wrote a contribution in the publication Futuring Spaces of Possibility: Contemporary Art and Architecture in a World Heritage City, released on the occasion of Bruges Triennial 2024.
Read more about the publication here.