Publication Futuring Spaces of Possibility


On the occasion of Bruges Triennial 2024: Spaces of Possibility, we are releasing the publication Futuring Spaces of Possibility: Contemporary Art and Architecture in a World Heritage City.

SE Persmoment Triennale 003

During TRIBRU24, twelve artists and architects set to work on the theme of Spaces of Possibility, the city of Bruges and its public space: how can we deal with densification and transformation in a city whose boundaries have been shaped by its medieval history? How can we make better use of un(der)used public space and facilitate new forms of living together in the city?

In addition to an overview of the twelve installations with additional visual material, curators Shendy Gardin and Sevie Tsampalla invited guest authors Joachim Declerck, Dimitri Minten, Tim Vekemans, Stavros Stavrides, Koen Timmerman, Dries Van Den Broucke and Françoise Vergès to join them to delve deeper into the theme of Spaces of Possibility. Topics such as ‘residual space’, a sustainable future for Bruges, to whom does public space belong and the role of biennials and triennials are addressed. With various essays and interviews, they offer a vision of what Bruges - and more broadly a city - can be, today and in the future.

The publication Futuring Spaces of Possibility will be available in a selection of bookshops, at In&Uit ('t Zand 34, 8000 Brugge) and via from 20.08.2024.

MER. Books

Guest Authors
Joachim Declerck (Architecture Workroom)
Dimitri Minten & Tim Vekemans (RE-ST)
Stavros Stavrides
Koen Timmerman & Dries Van Den Broucke (City of Bruges)
Françoise Vergès

Artists and Architects
Iván Argote
Bangkok Project Studio
Mariana Castillo Deball
Mona Hatoum
Ivan Morison
Shingo Masuda + Katsuhisa
Otsubo Architects
Studio Ossidiana
Adrien Tirtiaux
Sumayya Vally

Language: Dutch and English
Pages: 264
Size: 17x24cm staand
ISBN: 9789464987188
Price: €29,90