Guides Bruges Triennial 2024 are ready for it


On Wednesday 27 March the guides of Bruges Triennial 2024 got their fourth and final training moment. To conclude the training, the Bruges Triennial team took the guides on a tour of the art and architectural installations.

20180506 Opening Triennale Brugge Plus Tom Leentjes

Bruges Triennial has been investing in its guide work since 2015. To this end, the organisation works with a group of enthusiastic, qualified guides drawn from the various recognised guide associations: Bruges Guides, Hello Bruges and S-wan. They are not only experienced and expert city guides, but also passionate about contemporary art and architecture.

A guided tour for everyone

For Bruges Triennial 2024: Spaces of Possibility, the guides were prepared to tour very diverse types of groups. Residents of Bruges and visitors, as well as art lovers and professionals, but also international groups, children and seniors. The guides take visitors along the art and architectural installations, to well-known and lesser-known places in the city centre, surprise them with trivia and background stories and engage them in conversation about the themes on offer. Specific tours have also been developed for people with a hearing or visual impairment. In cooperation with Howest's Mind and Makerspace and experts, the experience of contemporary art and architecture installations was optimized for people with visual impairments.

TRIBRU24 further developed guided tours for children, in class or with the family. Visit Bruges offers fixed guided tours where you can join individually or in small groups.

It’s clear, the guides of Bruges Triennial 2024: Spaces of Possibility are ready to surprise and inspire visitors, let them experience Bruges from a different perspective and dream about new possibilities for the city's future.