Duo Lecture | Studio Ossidiana & Bureau Stadsnatuur


On Thursday 23 May, two Dutch organisations will discuss the place of nature in the city. The event is co-hosted by the Bruges Triennial and Archipel. Alessandra Covini of Studio Ossidiana (NL) and André de Baerdemaeker of Bureau Stadsnatuur (NL) are both working to make cities more nature-inclusive.

Date & time
20:00 – 21:30
Greenhouses Groendienst Bruges (Lange Vesting 112, 8200 Bruges)
In co-production with
Archipel vzw ,
The design of the encounter 53743206670 o

Studio Ossidiana – the Rotterdam-based agency with Italian roots – drew inspiration from the rich history of Bruges and its connection to the sea for its contribution to the Bruges Triennial 2024: Spaces of Possibility. Their work, Earthsea Pavilion, is a 6-metre-wide silo filled with layers of different materials, stacked one on top of the other like ecosystems. A metal grid filled with earth, peat, shells and leaves invites you to dissect the layers in more detail. Mixed into the construction are plants and flowers (in seed form) that – like the materials themselves – will transform over time. With Earthsea Pavilion, Studio Ossidiana brings nature back into the city.

Joining Studio Ossidiana is Bureau Stadsnatuur (NL), whose researchers have been conducting fieldwork on the evolution of nature in the city for decades. They are based at the Natural History Museum in Rotterdam. The data feeds into studies on how to build (cities) differently. Bureau Stadsnatuur champions the metropolis of tomorrow: the nature-inclusive city, society 2.0.

How can we shape our coexistence with nature? How can we elicit encounters, and enjoy sharing space with other species?


  • 23.05.2024, 20:00
  • Greenhouse Groendienst Brugge – Lange Vesting 112, 8200 Brugge
  • English spoken
  • Tickets via Archipel vzw
Portret Studio Ossidiana Marco Cappelletti
© Marco Cappelletti

About Studio Ossidiana

Studio Ossidiana (est. 2015, Rotterdam, NL) is led by the Italian architects Alessandra Covini (b. 1988, Milan, IT) and Giovanni Bellotti (b. 1987, Pavia, IT). The Rotterdam-based firm works at the intersection of art and architecture, using material and form to explore how we can expand our thinking around the inclusive use of space. With their projects, whether temporary or permanent, they seek to generate new encounters between humans and animals and thus to re-anchor our relationship with nature in the built environment.

Studio Ossidiana’s work was recently shown at the Istanbul Biennial (2019), the Chicago Architecture Biennial (2021) and the 23rd Triennale di Milano, where they won the Golden Bee award for innovation with Have we met? In 2023, the firm won the Premio italiano di Architettura 2023 for Art Pavilion M.

Read more about Studio Ossidiana and their work for the Bruges Triennial 2024: Spaces of Possibility here

Bureau Stadsnatuur
© Bureau Stadsnatuur

About Bureau Stadsnatuur

Founded in 1997, Bureau Stadsnatuur (bSR) is a small organisation with considerable expertise in the field of nature in the urban environment. bSR is part of, and located in, the Natural History Museum in Rotterdam. In recent years, bSR has gained extensive experience in ecological research through inventories, monitoring networks and volunteer projects for flora and fauna in urban areas. Thanks to their work, a wealth of knowledge has been generated about the flora and fauna of the city of Rotterdam in general, and the city’s port area in particular. Bureau Stadsnatuur are now firmly established as the knowledge centre for Rotterdam’s flora and fauna.

With the support of Creative Industries Fund NL.

Organised by:

Archipel vzw
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