Studio Ossidiana

Portret Studio Ossidiana Marco Cappelletti
© Marco Cappelletti

Studio Ossidiana is led by Italian architects Alessandra Covini (b. 1988, Milan, IT) and Giovanni Bellotti (b. 1987, Pavia, IT). The Rotterdam-based firm has workeds since 2015 at the intersection of art and architecture, exploring through material and form how to expand our thinking around the inclusive use of space. Through their projects, whether temporary or permanent, they strive to generate new encounters between humans and animals and, in so doing, to re-anchor our relationship with nature in the built environment.

By introducing new typologies or playful rituals, they forge alternative connections and encourage us to take a fresh look at everyday things. As with the Pigeon Tower (2021), where a sculptural totem in the midst of Venice provided another feeding spot for birds in the city. Or Art Pavilion M. at the Floriade (2020), a floating island inspired by the landscape of the Flevopolder, where geography was fused with art and architecture.

Studio Ossidiana have exhibited their work at the Istanbul Biennial (2019), the Chicago Architecture Biennial (2021) and the 23rd Triennale di Milano (2022), where they were honoured for their innovation with their work Have we met?. In 2018 they won the Prix de Rome for architecture, and, more recently, in 2023 The Italian Architecture Prize: Under 35 award with Art Pavilion M.

Earthsea Pavilion

Studio Ossidiana has placed Earthsea Pavilion, a cylindrical installation that connects land and sea, history and nature, in the courtyard of the 15th-century city palace, Hof Bladelin.

001 Studio Ossidiana Filip Dujardin